When it comes to gaming chairs, x rocker needs no new introduction. Since 2005, when it introduced the first sound floor rocking gaming chair, X Rocker Gaming became the industry leader in gaming chairs.
Since then, the company has grown to become the go-to source for all things gaming. X Rocker makes high-quality, one-of-a-kind gaming chairs that are protected by more than a dozen patents and trademarks around the world.
X rocker gaming chairs are the number one choice for ps4 users, but you need to know the correct way to connect them together. Hence, today we will write a complete guide to teach you how to set up X rocker gaming chairs to ps4.
Does the ps4 console have Bluetooth connectivity?
Before we see the methods and steps needed for setting up x rocker gaming chairs with ps4, we need to know whether the ps4 gaming console has Bluetooth connectivity or not. Ps4 does come with Bluetooth, and you can easily turn it on.
To look for Bluetooth devices near, go to Settings and then Devices and then go to Bluetooth Devices. The collection will include all paired and non-paired Bluetooth devices. To attach a Bluetooth device to your ps4 console, you must first combine it with your system. To complete the linking process, choose the Bluetooth device you would like to connect, and then input the passkey. Some devices may automatically connect without the passkey.
Please keep in mind that the Bluetooth wireless gaming chair can’t connect directly to the PS4 through Bluetooth since the Bluetooth in the wireless gaming chair is only for audio mode, while the Bluetooth in the PS4 is only for PS4 modules. But we will show you a way to connect your gaming chair wirelessly to your Ps4 gaming console in our guide below.
How to setup x rocker gaming chair to ps4
While several wireless gaming chairs are compatible with the PS4, some of you may experience connectivity issues with the console right out of the box. For e.g., X Rockers wireless gaming chairs are PS4 compliant, but many of you are still unable to link in the proper manner.
We will discuss three different methods down below, which you can follow to set up your x rocker gaming chair with ps4. The methods we will discuss will not just work for x rocker gaming chairs but also for most other wireless gaming chairs. However, the connectivity process can vary a little according to the type and brand of gaming chair you are using.
Method 1: Connect using RAC audio cables
When you get the X rocker gaming chair, you will get a longer 3.5mm to RAC cable and also a shorter 3.5mm to RAC cable. The package also contains two B3 barrel adapters. You can use these cables to connect your gaming chair with your Tv and then connect the TV to ps4. This process is very easy.
Step 1: Connect RAC audio cables
To connect the RAC audio cables, you need both of the RAC cables using the two B3 barrel adapters that are included in the kit. The connection should follow a color code; white to white and red to red.
Step 2: Connecting the TV to the chair using the RAC audio cables
Link the green ends of the cables to the TV’s audio output and the opposite end with a white and red connector to the audio jacks on the X Rocker wireless gaming chair’s control panel.
You need to follow a small guide while connecting the TV’s audio output with the RAC audio cables. Make sure that the TV’s audio output and the RAC audio cables are compatible. Down below, we are giving the guide to make this easier for you to understand.
Optical Audio output: These are also known as coaxial digital output or simply digital audio output. The audio cables that came with the kit are incompatible with optical audio outputs. To make things work, you’ll need an optical-to-cable or optical-to-RCA coaxial adapter, actually the Toslink or RCA adapter, as well as connecting cables.
Analog Audio output: These will work absolutely fine with the cables that come with your X-rocker gaming chair.
Headphone jack: Just like the analog audio output, these will also work fine with the included cables inside the kit.
Standard audio output: This is the most common output found in TVs and is compatible with the cables included in the package.
Step 3: Ps4 console to Tv connection
It’s really easy, and I’m sure most of you have already tried it. Link your PS4 to your TV using the HDMI cable that came with it. Do make sure that your ps4 console is powered up. Change the input source on your TV to the one that your PlayStation 4 is using.
Method 2: Connect Wirelessly
If you do not want to use any types of cables and want to use your X Rocker gaming chair with ps4 wirelessly completely, this method is right for you. The PS4 device does not need to be directly connected to your portable gaming chair.
In reality, you can link the chair to the TV, then the TV to the PS4, and enjoy the chair’s wireless capabilities. It’s easy and fast. The wireless transmitter that is included with the X Rockers gaming chair will enable you to use your ps4 console wirelessly with this gaming chair.
Any X Rockers wireless gaming chair comes with a wireless transmitter that can receive and relay audio to the chair’s built-in speakers.
Now below, let us see the steps that you need to follow to achieve this connection.
Step 1: Connection of the wireless transmitter to TV
When you get the wireless gaming chair kit, you can find a short 3.5mm to 3.5mm audio cable with green ends. Link the transmitter to the TV by plugging the green male end into the transmitter’s input jack and the other end into the TV’s audio output.
Again just like method 1, you need to check the combability of the audio cables with the output. Standard audio output, analog audio output, and headphone jack are all compatible with the audio cables that come in the X rocker gaming chair package.
However, Optical audio output, digital audio output, or coaxial digital audio output are not compatible, and hence you need to get an additional optical-to-RCA coaxial adapter or an optical-to-cable adapter and get some connecting cables. If you successfully connect all these, you should have no problem with making a successful connection.
Step 2: Turn the transmitter and the chair on
As the wireless transmitter is battery-powered, so make sure you have them installed before using it. Switch on the X Rockers gaming chair and the transmitter. A cable is required to connect the wireless chair to the power supply.
The most critical thing is to make sure that the chair and the wireless transmitter are in the same frequency range. Since there is just a 1-2-3 band, matching is a breeze. After that, the wireless transmitter would begin obtaining and transmitting audio signals to the chai’s already-paired speakers.
Step 3: Connect TV and Ps4
You are now done setting up the wireless connection, and the only step that is left is to connect your Ps4 with your TV. And I have already mentioned the process of connecting TV to Ps4 in method 1, step 3. Just follow that step, and you will be good to go.
If you successfully read and follow these steps properly, now your X Rocker gaming chair should be connected with your Ps4, and now it is time for you to enjoy gaming.
Method 3: Using an Aux Cord, connect a Wireless Gaming Chair to a PS4.
This is by far the easiest method to connect your X Rocker gaming chair with your Ps4 console. Things get a lot better with an Aux cable. The wireless gaming chair can be directly connected to the PS4 gaming console.
The steps to connect a wireless X Rocker gaming chair to a PS4 using an Aux cord are outlined below.
Step 1: Ps4 connection with TV
Unlike the last two methods, in this method, you need to connect the Ps4 to the TV before you do anything else. The connection can be made very easily using the HDMI cables that come with the Ps4 package.
Step 2: Link the controller to the gaming chair with the Aux cable
After you are done connecting your console to the TV, you are now left with just one simple step before you can start to play the game on your console. Now you have to connect the controller to your X Rocker gaming chair using the Aux cables.
Connect one end of the Aux cord to the controller and the opposite end of the Aux input on the X Rockers wireless gaming chair’s integrated control panel. Check to see if the chair’s power supply is turned on.
Extra Tips:
Like most other wireless gaming chairs, the X Rockers wireless gaming chairs are intended to work with the audio from your television or computer. As a result, the easiest linking method is a portable gaming chair to a TV – TV and then to a gaming console or a Ps4 in this case.
Of course, an HDMI or USB adapter can be used to link the PS4 to the wireless gaming chair. If your wireless gaming chair has a Bluetooth option, you can pair it with your handheld Bluetooth-enabled computers, such as smartphones, iPad, Android tablets, or other tablets.
Wireless gaming chairs can make your console gaming like Ps4 gaming experience much more pleasant. Out of all the wireless gaming chairs for console gaming, X rocker gaming chairs is probably the most popular ones out there. However, things can get a bit tricky while setting them up with Ps4.
Hence we wrote this step by guide to help you connect your X Rocker gaming chair perfectly and enjoy your gaming experience to the fullest.

Hello Good People! This is Pavel and Welcome to PC Delight!
I’m an Electronics Engineer by profession with a passion for Gaming & PC builds. When I came up with the idea for PC Delight, it was my goal to share & offer the very best PC building ideas to tech-loving people like myself.
Since my school days, I’ve been just addicted to gaming & PCs. That leads me to experiment with various ways around the very niche, resulting in great productivity. And I’m here to share those practical experiences. So that next time you start some experiment with your PC builds or struggle to cope with a certain game, I’m here with the solutions. With these philosophies, I started my journey in 2017 and just kept going.