One of my most irritating experiences with my LG monitor was the flickering issue.
After some research, I discovered that this problem usually occurs because of hardware such as ports or cables. Or an internal system can be the reason as well. For example, an outdated graphics driver can cause trouble.
Fortunately, it’s all straightforward to fix. All you have to do is know the right way and approach the solution accordingly. In this article, I will discuss all you need to know to fix an LG monitor. So before spending cash on your flickering display, check out all the reasons and solutions below.
Why Does Your LG Monitor Flicker and How Can It Be Solved?
Take a quick look at the most common reason your LG monitor has flickering issues.
Reasons | Solution |
Incompatible refresh rate | Adjust the refresh rate |
Damaged display cable | Replace the display cable |
Internally damaged monitor | Get it repaired or buy a new one |
Multiple connected devices to the power source | Unplug the additional devices |
Graphics driver issue | Update the graphics driver |
Incompatible programs | Delete harmful software (use compatible alternatives) |
Video card issue | Re-insert the video card on the motherboard properly |
Now let’s explore a detailed analysis of the reasons and how you can easily solve them.
The Refresh Rate of Your Display Is Too Low
The refresh rate maintains a clear picture on the monitor. The screen will not work at its highest potential if the refresh rate is set to too low.
The refresh rate indicates the number of times the image on your screen refreshes per second. A higher refresh rate will definitely offer a smoother visual compared to a lower one. This can be the reason why your screen is frequently blinking.
How to Solve the Problem?
All you have to do is readjust the refresh rate to a higher level. This can be easily done. Here’s what you have to do,
- Go to computer settings.
- Click on “System.”
- Now go to Display option.
- From here, click on Advanced display settings.
- Here, choose the highest refresh rate from the drop-down menu.
- Remember to restart your PC after modifying the settings.
The Display Cable is Damaged
Your computer’s LG monitor gets display signals from the CPU. This signal comes through the display cable.
This signal needs to be uninterrupted to create a clear, solid picture. But damaged cables prevent a smooth flow of the signal. As a result, the monitor puts up a distorted picture. In such situations, the images aren’t stable at all.
The Solution to Your Problem
Before concluding that it is indeed the cable that is faulty, check the cables thoroughly. See if there is any noticeable damage.
If you can’t find any such sign, use the display cable with a different monitor and see if the results are the same. If it is, then the cable is definitely damaged.
Or you can try a different cable with your own monitor and see if the flickering is still there. If the new cable solves the issue, then this is what you need. Throw the old cable away and use a new one instead.
Your Monitor Has Internal Physical Damage
You can be more or less confident that internal damage is the issue if your LG monitor has display problems after its recent fall. Or it may have absorbed a hit from any hard object.
The interior design of your monitor is complex and delicate. Its sensitive components can get easily dislocated or cracked with the slightest blow.
How to Troubleshoot the Issue?
Unfortunately, you can’t heal the damages alone, except if you are a professional. This is why taking your monitor to a renowned workshop will be best.
However, repairing computer monitors can cost a lot. Sometimes the charges are more than the price of the monitor itself. So, unless your monitor is super expensive, like LG 34GP950G-B, consider purchasing a new one and save your money.
Multiple devices are connected to your monitor’s power source
Your monitor needs a smooth, constant supply of electricity to work correctly. However, suppose tons of devices are connected to the power source. In that case, it can cause a problem for the monitor to get the right amount of energy.
The outlet will distribute a specific amount of electricity to all the connected devices. As a result, your monitor will get a lower-than-needed energy supply. This will eventually cause the monitor to blink. Your monitor may even turn off on its own every now and then.
Coming Up with a Solution!
Your cable arrangement needs to be re-sorted. Try to have a dedicated outlet/power source for your monitor. If it’s impossible, at least have a whole outlet for one computer at a time.
This setup will ensure your monitor gets enough power to function smoothly.
Your Computer’s Graphics Driver is Backdated
The display driver or the graphics driver of your PC puts the visual signals together, maintains the refresh rate, and does everything else to present a clear picture on the monitor.
However, if this program is not regularly updated, your monitor hardware won’t be able to cope-up with it. As a result, the driver will become incompatible with your PC.
Consequently, the picture on your monitor will flicker constantly.
Troubleshooting the Issue
Updating the graphics driver will solve the issue. You can do it for free and very easily from home. All you need is a stable internet connection.
Here’s how you can do it:
- Hold down the windows button and press R to open run.
- In the dialogue box, write devmgmt.msc and select Ok.
- Wait till the Device Manager comes up.
- Here, go to the Display adapters, and under this option, right-click on your graphics card.
- Select the Properties option of your graphics card.
- Once the graphics drivers option opens up, go to the Driver tab.
- Here, click on Update Driver and wait for a new window to come up.
- In the new window, you will find two options. Select Search automatically for updated driver software.
- Wait for your PC system to search, download, and install the updated driver
After this, your LG monitor should be equipped with a compatible display driver.
However, if the computer system fails to find any updated file, download the updates manually. You can download the file from the official website of your graphics card.
Here are quick links to their sites:
After downloading the file, go to the graphics driver update setting again and click on the Update Driver option. Here select Browse for drivers on your computer. On the next page, click Browse and find the downloaded update file on your PC.
Select the right file and then click Next. Keep following what the program tells you, and eventually, the driver should get updated in a jiffy.
Incompatible software and programs
Your computer is probably stuffed with unwanted and harmful malware. This software not only slows your PC down but creates a plethora of problems. One of their effects can be flickering display pictures.
Some programs consume so much power that there’s not enough left for the display to work correctly. Make sure this is not happening to your monitor.
Solving the Problem
You have to delete all the unwanted and problematic programs from your PC. Here’s how you can do it easily,
- Go to Settings.
- From the left-hand side menu, select Apps.
- Now go to Apps & features.
- Scroll down a bit to get to the list of all the installed apps.
- Click on Sort by to open the drop-down menu and select size from here.
- Keep scrolling and locate the unwanted apps, third-party apps, or programs that are too heavy.
- On the right side of each app, you will see three dots.
- Click on the three dots and then select Uninstall.
Now all you have to do is wait for the software to uninstall. From now on, try not to use any heavy or problematic programs. This should keep your monitor and the whole PC functioning fine.
The Video Card Isn’t Properly Seated in the Motherboard
The video cards generate the visual signals you see on your computer display. You can realize what would happen if this component got dislocated. Yes, there won’t be any visuals on the monitor.
Suppose this piece of hardware is loosely connected to the motherboard. In that case, it will send the system an interrupted and broken signal. In other words, your computer monitor will get an unstable display image.
Let’s Troubleshoot the Problem
You just have to ensure the graphics card or the video card is perfectly seated in its slot. It shouldn’t be wobbly.
To access the video card, you have to locate the motherboard first. Open up your CPU and find the motherboard. Your video card is either directly installed on the motherboard itself or is attached to a separate display unit connected to the motherboard.
Once you have found the video card, give it a slight push to ensure it’s properly seated. If this doesn’t work, pull out the card with light force, clean the empty slot with compressed air, and try reinserting the video card.
This time it should work properly. And once it’s done, turn on your computer and see how the monitor display is doing now.
My Last Few Words on the Topic
LG monitors are great. But sometimes they run into trouble too. However, thanks to their unique technology and high-quality components, they are not difficult to fix.
You just have to know the right way. Both the hardware and the internal programs of the computer can be the culprit here. Whatever the case may be, fixing it should be a piece of cake for you.
This article has thoroughly discussed all the possible reasons and their simple solutions. So, even if you are a tech noob, handling the problem of a blinking display won’t be that hard now.

Hello Good People! This is Pavel and Welcome to PC Delight!
I’m an Electronics Engineer by profession with a passion for Gaming & PC builds. When I came up with the idea for PC Delight, it was my goal to share & offer the very best PC building ideas to tech-loving people like myself.
Since my school days, I’ve been just addicted to gaming & PCs. That leads me to experiment with various ways around the very niche, resulting in great productivity. And I’m here to share those practical experiences. So that next time you start some experiment with your PC builds or struggle to cope with a certain game, I’m here with the solutions. With these philosophies, I started my journey in 2017 and just kept going.