Dirty computer monitors are one of the most annoying things to look at, especially when you are working or watching movies. You will never enjoy the full-screen resolution with a dirty monitor. So, the best solution is to clean the monitor, but how to clean the monitor screen without streaks?
You should use distilled water and white distilled vinegar while wiping a screen to prevent streaks. Pick a spotless microfiber cloth. When your computer monitor is streak- and smudge-free, spray the towel and wipe in a circular motion.
So, if you are looking for the perfect way to clean your screen without any smudges or streaks, then read below to know more.
How To Clean Monitor Screen Without Streaks?
To help you clean the screen without streaks, we have created this step-by-step guide. Follow the steps carefully to prevent any sort of spots on the computer screen while cleaning it.
Step 1: Preparing the cleaning agent

As we said earlier, instead of buying cleaning agents, it is better to make one. Homemade agents will provide better results and won’t cause any smudge on your screen.
All you need to make the solution is distilled water and distilled white vinegar, which is quite easy to do. Combine a mixture of both of these in an unfilled spray bottle. A half-cup of each should be plenty; you won’t need much.
Step 2: Getting Everything on hand
Getting and organizing the appropriate instruments is the most challenging step in the cleaning procedure. We highly advise you to get many microfiber towels designed specifically for cleaning computer displays and other delicate equipment. Paper towels, soiled clothes, and other coarse fabrics should be avoided since they could harm the monitor.
Step 3: Power off your Computer
Powering down on a piece of an electrical device before cleaning it is best practice. Whenever you start the cleaning procedure, ensure your computer is off and not hooked into a socket. Then, turn it in the direction of a window or a strong light so that you can see dirt and blotches more easily.
Step 4: Cleaning the screen

Make sure to apply any cleaning sprays or liquids you use to the microfiber cloth gently. Make sure the microfiber cloth has a dry side solely on a single side. Next, walk up to the monitor and begin in the middle.
Start wiping the screen in tiny, circular strokes and continue doing so until you have covered the entire area. While cleaning, if you see streaks on your screen, either your microfiber cloth is unclean, or you used too much cleaning solution.
Step 5: Dry Your Monitor
As you swipe, the multi-surface cleaner should start to evaporate if you’re applying it correctly. This will assist you in getting rid of any streaks that may occur on your screen. You’re likely using too much cleaning fluid if it doesn’t go right away after your pass.
Once the monitor has been wiped, gently rub the screen with the dry side of the soft microfiber till a fluid has been removed. After that, you must wait until the monitor is completely dry, which should take around 30 minutes.
After cleaning the monitor, carefully wipe the screen with the dry side of the microfiber cloth until all liquid has been recovered.
Step 6: Final Rub

Even though your monitor is perfectly cleaned by now, to ensure extra cleaning, we will go for another round of cleaning. Check the screen from several perspectives to make sure there are no lingering smudges or streaks.
Once more, beginning at the top and using tight, overlapping “Z” strokes, turn the folded microfiber towel to the dry side before continuing. Whatever dust or debris is still on the screen will be rubbed away during this process. This will guarantee that your display will look flawless and be free of strikes.
After powering your computer back on, make certain the screen is totally dry to prevent electrical damage or shocks.

What Type of Material Should I Use for Cleaning my screen?
Using a microfibre cloth is the best method for cleaning your display’s screen. This is so that the screen won’t be scratched; the cloth is non-abrasive. Additionally, microfibre cloths are quite hydrophilic, so they will clean the panel of any dust or filth.
You can also use cleaning wipes as an alternative choice; if you have extra money, this is the best option. Compared to microfiber clothing, they clean screens significantly more effectively. Additionally, they work better than microfiber towels at cleaning dirt marks and greasy fingerprints off screens.
When it comes to cleaning liquid, we prefer using homemade screen cleaning as it is really inexpensive and effective as well. But, if you do not want to take the trouble of making this solution, then you can buy different screen cleaners available in the market.
Avoid using tap water if possible since it includes tiny amounts of minerals that might create streaks on display. Additionally, stay away from using hand towels, cloth napkins, or rough pads since they might scratch and harm the screen.
Can I use Windex to clean the screen?
Ammonium hydroxide, a mixture of ammonia and water, is an ingredient in many window cleaners on the market today, including some varieties of Windex. Ammonia is categorized as a “very dangerous material” by the Environmental Protection Agency, particularly in large quantities. Avoid using Windex to clean your monitor screen as it’s made for cleaning the window glass.
Therefore, you must be very careful when choosing a cleaning agent and thoroughly examine the container contents before applying them to your screen.
How do you clean streaks on a monitor?
Spray an LCD cleaning spray over the dust-free side of your microfiber cloth to remove stains and streaks from the screen’s top. A simple home remedy is distilled water and white vinegar mixed in a 1:1 ratio.
Gently wipe the surface, being careful not to saturate the screen’s corners. Following this method, you may almost eliminate all streaks from the monitor screen if you let the panel dry naturally.

What are the things to avoid while cleaning a computer screen?
There are many things that you must avoid if you want your monitor screen to stay perfect without any streaks.
- Alcoholic Agents: Anything that contains alcohol or ammonia is an alcoholic agent. My recommendation is to avoid using it and stick with only water if you are unsure about the chemicals.
- Rough Rubbing Material: Paper towels and tissues make up the rough rubbing material. These can damage the screen’s surface.
- Direct Spray: Never shoot straight into the screen. Use a microfiber cloth at all times. Then before wiping, spray the cloth rather than the screen.
- Windex: Avoid using Windex on your computer’s display. Because the chemicals are too severe for computer displays, only use Windex spray on windows and mirrors.
How to clean monitor screen fingerprints
Nothing is more annoying than seeing fingerprints on your computer monitor especially if you are using a glossy monitor.
Non LCD Screen
Non LCD screens have a glass coating and you can use alcohol to clean them for a better result. Start by using a dry microfiber towel to wipe any dust from the screen of your device after turning it off and unplugging it.
Spray 70% isopropyl alcohol on a cloth, use an alcohol wipe that has been dampened, or use a Disinfecting Wipe to remove fingerprints and smudges. Be cautious not to let any extra moisture wick from the wipe or cloth, clean the glass surface and edges. Once the screen has dried, all traces of fingerprints should be gone.
LCD and LED Displays
Turn off your computer, then use a microfiber cloth to wipe away any dust. But you’ll need to use a different solution in place of alcohol. Sprinkle an LCD cleaning solution on the screen’s surface to remove smudges and stains ( mixture of distilled water and white vinegar that we discussed above). onto the clean side of a microfiber cloth.
Next, clean the surface completely, being careful not to get any on the screen’s edges. Before starting your monitor, allow the screen to fully dry.
What type of cloth can I use instead of microfiber cloth?
Answer: Use a soft dusting cloth or, if you don’t have one, an old t-shirt if you don’t have a microfibre cloth. Any material you choose must be soft in order to avoid scratching the screen. Use a clean, soft cloth and avoid using an outdated duster.
Can I use an alcohol wipe to clean my computer monitor?
Answer: Never wipe your computer screen with alcohol. On your computer screen, it is advised against using anything alcohol-based or ammonia because doing so might harm the surface. It is okay to use your screen if it is made of glass.
Why is my computer monitor streaky?
Answer: Screen streaking can happen for a variety of causes, such as a broken display cable, inefficient monitor settings, or even the presence of other devices that interfere with the monitor-to-PC connection.
Getting streaks on-screen after cleaning is the last thing you want to see. So, make sure not to have any spots on your monitor screen. It is important to know How To Clean Monitor Screen Without Streaks properly.
There are different ways to clean your computer screen, but today in this guide, we discussed the best possible method to do it. Never use any rough paper towel, cloth, or wiping material to clean your screen. Also, always make sure that the cleaning agent you are using doesn’t contain ammonia or any harmful chemicals, and the agent must be compatible with the computer monitor screen.

Hello Good People! This is Pavel and Welcome to PC Delight!
I’m an Electronics Engineer by profession with a passion for Gaming & PC builds. When I came up with the idea for PC Delight, it was my goal to share & offer the very best PC building ideas to tech-loving people like myself.
Since my school days, I’ve been just addicted to gaming & PCs. That leads me to experiment with various ways around the very niche, resulting in great productivity. And I’m here to share those practical experiences. So that next time you start some experiment with your PC builds or struggle to cope with a certain game, I’m here with the solutions. With these philosophies, I started my journey in 2017 and just kept going.