Anyone remotely interested in computers or gaming will have heard the term FPS at least once.
Some of us know what it is, some of us do not, and many of us are simply unaware that we know it. In either case, just like the many modes a monitor has, the FPS is a mode that most monitors have, especially gaming monitors.
FPS mode is usually helpful for gamers, videographers, or graphic artists. However, with newer monitors, it has become more of a feature everyone uses and prefers for an overall good computer experience.
That being said, there is much more to the FPS mode on a monitor. Hence, let us get down to the details!
What is FPS?
FPS is an acronym for Frames Per Second, and it means exactly that. For us gamers, FPS measures the number of frames or images the monitor can display in one second, also called the frame rate.
For all the normies out there, Frames per Second is used to measure the video quality of the monitor. A higher FPS naturally means that more images or frames are being shown in one second, resulting in a smoother and more natural video playback.
What Is FPS Mode on A Monitor?

Now that we know what FPS is let us look at the FPS mode monitors.
Most PC display devices have FPS Mode these days. With this mode activated, the monitor uses more frames per second than when it’s not.
This is primarily why gamers, videographers, or practically anyone who requires a smooth screen animation uses this FPS mode on their monitors.
Having this mode on ensures that there is little to no lag, and smooth graphics and transitions are very important for games (especially first-person shooting games) and any work related to animations.
How does FPS Mode Work?
When the FPS mode is turned on, the monitor helps to minimize input lag. Thanks to this, images on the screen are seen in a much clearer light. However, when it comes to gaming, turning on the FPS mode can mean slightly different things for different monitors.
In some cases, the frames are shown per second, or the refresh rate will be increased to the max, creating a smoother and faster screen.
But, in others, turning the FPS mode on will only make gaming easier through small steps. This is done by increasing the color contrasts or adding a crosshair which helps the gamer shoot better, get more kills, etc. In other words, it optimizes the screen for gaming.
Why Is Frame Per Second Important in Gaming?

We have at least once heard the term FPS in the same sentence as gaming. The reason is – FPS is an essential element for gamers, and this is where we find out why.
Most games, especially shooting games, require a high FPS so that the screen and animation are crystal clear and do not lag. This allows the gamer to perform well in their rounds, get high kills, and enjoy the game the way it is meant to be enjoyed – fast and rough!
Because of this, many games come with recommended FPS settings, which are done to achieve flawless and fast animation with high contrasts while gaming.
Now, let us look at some of the top features that make FPS a crucial part of gaming.
Notification Skips
Well, you might be wondering why that is a good thing. Here’s why – when gaming lives with other players or streaming on YouTube, the last thing we want is a distraction, which is precisely what notifications are.
This is especially important for professional gamers whose streams are their sources of income. They need the perfect screen recordings and streams, which would be heavily disrupted by notifications on the screen.
A Better Display
While a better display can mean many things, in this case, we specifically refer to a few components – color brightness, color saturation, color contrast, and gamma. These are important while gaming because they help highlight the enemies or targets, making it easier to play.
In FPS mode, we get the optimal quality of these factors, which help to enhance the colors on the screen resulting in much better gameplay and many wins!
Improved Game Performance
For all of us who are into PUBG, Valiant, or APEX, it is very important to be able to keep up with competitors and teammates. For this, we need amplified refresh rates and response times and minimized lag – all of which come with the FPS mode.
Low Fatigue
While this is not directly related to the game, but to the gamer. Playing for hours definitely causes fatigue, headaches, and eye strain. But with the FPS mode on, this is lessened as the graphics and colors are corrected in a manner that does not tire our eyes out.
Does this mean we will not get headaches after hours of playing? Not necessarily. Every person has that certain threshold of tolerance; once crossed, we will get that headache. It is simply a con of gaming as a whole.
But, reducing that strain as much as possible is a good move, which happens with this FPS mode.
Is There A “Right FPS Monitor” for Gaming?

We now know all the core and basic concepts about FPS and its importance in gaming. Now that all the groundwork has been laid, we come to the fundamental question you have been waiting for. How to know what the best FPS is?
Like most tech-related answers, this does not come with a straightforward answer. Therefore, it is impossible to know what FPS is the best but to only understand what is best for us and our individual requirements.
Different games have different FPS requirements, videographers have additional requirements, and graphic artists. And if you are a visual artist who likes to play games, you have different requirements.
Until a few years ago, and for some cases even today, 30 FPS is considered good. But, soon, it may not be, and presently in some cases, it is not. The moment we shift to a game with higher graphics, it will start to lag at 30 FPS.
What Is The Optimal FPS Count?
As we have just mentioned, there is something different to look out for in every game and profession. We also must consider other factors necessary to our work or the play.
But, at the end of the day, if we had to state one number, it would be 60 FPS.
We believe this is one of the best we can have and will fit many different situations. So, if you are very confused and want us to decide for you, go with 60! Here’s why.
Gaming Consoles
Gaming consoles are constantly updated; for everyone who is used to consoles, you will want 60 FPS. All the new generations of consoles, be it the Playstation 5 or the XBOX Series X, use 60 FPS.
Having a 60 FPS monitor means it can adapt well to these consoles and give you a seamless and smooth gaming experience today and in the future. Even if you decide to change your consoles.
While this may not apply to everyone, some might have trouble finding specific specs when buying their PC. Not to mention, a high FPS will add to the bill too! One would need very high and advanced graphics for a better FPS.
But with 60, it is something most people can find and access and will fit into most budgets for people who want decent performance, to say the least.
Explaining Different FPS Counts and What They are Good for

It would be nice if we could simply pick a number we liked. But we cannot. We can look at where different frame rates work best and then some factors that can help us decide what is best for us. So here they are.
24 FPS
24 FPS is definitely not recommended for gaming. This is used for TV shows and YouTube streams and is considered the basic requirement for anything on screen with motion. When focusing on games, this is a complete no.
30 FPS
A little bit of an upgrade from the last, but we still say stay away from 30 FPS if you like gaming. Otherwise, this is suitable for regular streaming, watching movies, or sports.
60 FPS and Beyond
Any frame rate starting from 60 FPS is good for gaming ( as we described just a while ago) and for highly detailed motion graphics work.
120 FPS
I know we said 60 and beyond, so that should technically mean 120, too, right? Yes, it does. However, we should know when to put the ceiling, and this is where it is. This is not to say that having too much FPS is not good, but can your PC handle it?
120 FPS is often considered by many people since it means flawless graphics and gaming. But it also means that a ton of data needs processing which eventually falls on the PC’s hardware.
In other words, it is biting off more than what one can chew. An FPS this high often causes the PC to heat up. It can get pretty expensive, too, as we will need a potent GPU to back it up.
What You Should Know Before Setting FPS Caps

So, you guys have the Best-of-the-Best monitor by your side. Chances are that you’re itching to cap (or uncap) FPS count immediately. Hold on. Don’t jump the gun just yet! Note the following things before capping or uncapping Frames Per Second.
Game Mode FPS
We tend to choose a game mode FPS when we want a lot of realism in our games.
We want them to be as realistic, visual, and graphic as possible. Especially when playing games with lots of sudden movements and frame changes, proper FPS is essential so that the motions do not lose their natural flow.
Monitor Refresh Rate
The monitor’s refresh rate and the FPS has to be on par for the FPS’s quality to actually show up. Otherwise, it is simply a waste of money.
A high FPS means a powerful GPU, which is expensive. But to see results, we need a monitor with a refresh rate that matches so it can keep up with the FPS, or what we will see are small tears on the screen.
High Mobility Games
For players who like PUBG or APEX Legends, motion is critical. You must be able to move swiftly and quickly track your enemy’s every move. On the other hand, players who play Genshin Impact do not require as much motion compared to the first ones.
The FPS we need depends significantly on the motion present in the games we play. If the game has a lot of movement, we need a higher FPS and vice versa.
Internet Speed
You might be wondering what internet speed has to do with FPS. Well, there is quite some link. Many players stream games online while playing. Many do it professionally, making it their source of income. If these games did not stream correctly and quickly, that would cost them money.
With a high FPS, we have to export more essential data to the internet in a shorter period. This obviously causes it to slow down, and the streams start to lag without a very high internet speed.
We must consider our internet speed when opting for a high FPS monitor. And suppose we really do need a high FPS. In that case, we need to upgrade the internet connection simultaneously if we do not want the excellent monitor graphics to go to waste.
Final Words
In this detailed piece, we have not only answered your burning question of what the FPS mode is on a monitor but every other nitty-gritty detail as well.
While you can find a lot of this information in multiple places, it is all about how you see them that matters. Therefore, I have tried to put them down in the most straightforward sequence possible.
So, even if you are entirely new to gaming, I know you will get a complete summary of FPS and its importance here.
Just know that a high FPS is recommended for gaming, but know when to stop (hint:120 FPS!) if you do not want your PC to go into overdrive or spend more than you need.
And a critical piece of information to always remember is to ensure the monitor’s refresh rate matches the FPS to get optimal output.
Thank you for reading this elaborate piece, and I hope you find the proper FPS for your gaming monitor!

Hello Good People! This is Pavel and Welcome to PC Delight!
I’m an Electronics Engineer by profession with a passion for Gaming & PC builds. When I came up with the idea for PC Delight, it was my goal to share & offer the very best PC building ideas to tech-loving people like myself.
Since my school days, I’ve been just addicted to gaming & PCs. That leads me to experiment with various ways around the very niche, resulting in great productivity. And I’m here to share those practical experiences. So that next time you start some experiment with your PC builds or struggle to cope with a certain game, I’m here with the solutions. With these philosophies, I started my journey in 2017 and just kept going.